Admin_Create_Account(string key, string clientName, string adminEmail, string userName, string password)


Create a new SurveyTown account with the given parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
key string Yes
Your API key – used to authenticate your account
clientName string Yes
Name for the account
adminEmail string Yes
Default email address for the account
userName string Yes
User name for the new account – must be unique and no more than 64 characters
password string Yes
Password for the new account
optionalParameters[clientBusinessName] string No
The client’s Business name, defaults to provided clientName
optionalParameters[clientAddr1] string No
Physical address for the account – will be included in the footer of messages
optionalParameters[clientAddr2] string No
Client’s Street Address Line 2 – will be included in the footer of messages
optionalParameters[clientCity] string No
Physical address for the account – will be included in the footer of messages
optionalParameters[clientState] string No
Physical address for the account – will be included in the footer of messages
optionalParameters[clientZip] string No
Physical address for the account – will be included in the footer of messages
optionalParameters[phoneNumber] string No
The client’s phone number
optionalParameters[supportEmail] string No
The client’s support email address, defaults to provided adminEmail
optionalParameters[clientTimezone] string No
The client’s timezone, defaults to UTC
optionalParameters[maximumCustomUsers] int No
Maximum custom users
optionalParameters[surveyResponseQuota] int No
Maximum people surveyed each month
optionalParameters[accountType] string No
Account type, defaults to Basic. Valid values: Basic, Standard, Professional
optionalParameters[poweredBy] bool No
Control the display of the “Powered By…” logo, defaults to true
optionalParameters[language] string No
The default language the account will have. Valid values are: en, es, fr, ru, it, hr, tr, de, pl, se, fi
optionalParameters[numberFormat] string No
The default number format the account will use. Valid values are: us, eu
optionalParameters[homePage] string No
URL for the account
optionalParameters[logoUrl] string No
URL to the logo image
Call (GET)[email protected]&userName=acme&password=mypassword&optionalParameters[maximumCustomUsers]=1