Admin_Find_Accounts(string key)


Get a list of your clients based on parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
key string Yes
Your API key – used to authenticate your account
optionalParameters[createDateStart] string No
Return accounts created on or after createDateStart. Format as UTC.
optionalParameters[createDateEnd] string No
Return accounts created on or before createDateEnd. Format as UTC.
optionalParameters[status] string No
Current account status, valid values: active, disabled.
Call (GET)[status]=active
    {"clientId":"105968","clientStatus":"active","clientCreated":"2019-08-22 12:35:41"},
    {"clientId":"105971","clientStatus":"active","clientCreated":"2019-08-27 00:08:16"},
    {"clientId":"105972","clientStatus":"active","clientCreated":"2019-08-27 00:14:08"}