
Alerting customer service by email to negative reviews automatically

One of the main reasons to use surveys is to keep a pulse on customer satisfaction. You can add questions such as Ratings or Net Promoter Score to gather immediate feedback from customers. But what if you get a negative review and want to follow up on it right away? Using SurveyTown you can get alerted to negative reviews by sending an email to your support or account management department for immediate followup. Here’s an example of setting up SurveyTown to do this.

Let’s assume that you are creating a ratings question of stars 1 to 5 and wanted customer service to be alerted by email if anyone rated their experience less than 4 stars.

First create your question

Step 1 is to create your customer service question.  In this example, we are using a simple ratings question – “Please rate your experience.” and we give the customer a choice of 1 to 5 stars.

Second, create an “Action”

Under the “Logic & Actions” tab, click the button to “Add New Action”.  The action we are creating is to send an email when a someone rates the question as less than 4 stars.  So the next step is to create the condition.

Third, define the condition

Add a Condition

Press the button that says “Add a Condition” and defein the condition of  “How would you rate our service?” is less than “4”.

What this means is, if someone rates their experience as less than 4 stars your action will be triggered.

Set the Alert email recipient

Now set the “Alert Email” which means put in the email of the person or the group that you want to receive the email alert.


Save the logic an action and then you are done.

Using the “Preview” you can test our your new functionality.  If you have set things up correctly you will get an email when take the survey and give it less than 4 stars.

The email you get will contain the condition that was met.  It will also contain a link to be able to click on and see the full response.


If you have asked for the customers phone number or email or if you have passed this data along to SurveyTown when you passed the customer onto us then you can find that information and followup with the customer.

That’s it.  Happy surveying.



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