
4 Things You Can Learn from Your NPS Score

4 Things You Can Learn from Your NPS Score

Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure of customer loyalty. It tells you how likely your customers are to recommend you to others on a scale of one to ten.

With this information in hand from your NPS survey, here are four things you can learn from your NPS score.

#1: You Can Learn How to Change

When you get your NPS back from your survey, you’ll know how many promoters, passives, and detractors you have. This gives you a good picture of your overall customer loyalty.

At this point, you can then start your research to learn just exactly why you have detractors and what you can do to change and turn things around.

If you know the names of your detractors, you can either reach out to them in person, or you can look through support tickets.

For example, by looking through support tickets, you can research the customer service experience. This will give you all the information you need to reach out and find a way to smooth things over.clicb

It ultimately helps you make changes to your business model and policies and procedures. It helps you gauge whether you need to institute more training as well to help resolve customer issues.

#2: You Learn How to Involve Passives and Detractors

Passives don’t really care one way or another about your business, and detractors are generally unhappy about something.

You can help turn the tide by promptly responding to their NPS survey. By providing them with a personal response, you can continue the conversation with them.

Not only does this help you learn what you can do better, it lets them feel more a part of the process.

In turn, it might even bring them back into your business.

#3: You Learn How to Segment Your Responses

With your NPS scores in hand, you can segment your promoters, passives, and detractors.

For example, you might find you have the bulk of your promoters attached to one department over another. Conversely, you may find most of your detractors are coming from an experience with a different department.

Instead of overhauling your entire company, you can work on the department(s) that need a little help.

You might also find that customers have pain points at different parts of the customer journey. For example, they are fine through the purchase, but when they need service there’s a specific breakdown.

By learning about your respondents and segmenting them, you can really home in on what areas you need to take action on.

#4: You Can Learn About Product Development

Another area to focus on when looking at your NPS score is areas where you can develop new products.

For example, when you follow up with your respondents you might learn they’d like to see new features or just updates on your current offerings.

You can use this information to create new products or refine current ones.

Final Thoughts

You’ve got your net promoter score, and you know how many promoters (score of nine or 10), passives (score of seven or eight), and detractors (scores of zero to six).

You can now use these to reach out to your most loyal promoters to learn more about what’s positive about your business, service, and products.

In turn you can reach out to your passives and your detractors to find out why they’re unhappy and what you can do to improve.

Empowered with this information from your NPS Score, you’ll find it can help you improve your business, fine tune your customer service, and enhance your product offerings. You’ll be well-poised for success in the future. (tweet this)

Surveys can help you get valuable customer feedback. You can then use this feedback to improve your business. Are you ready to get started with your Survey Town account? Start with your account today.

Image: Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

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