
Use Custom Fields to Gain Valuable Insights

Aggregate survey data is incredible to see, but being able to filter your results based on data you know about your respondents can provide you with even more insights.  

SurveyTown allows you to create custom fields for your contacts and then map your customer data to those custom fields, so you that you can create filtered views of your aggregate data.  So for example, if you were a chain of stores you could see what your customer satisfaction ratings differ based on where ted, what store the customer shopped at or what the customer bought.  Or if you are an accounting firm you could see how Net Promoter Scores differ based on the partner in charge. This way you can insights into your business by breaking down the results given who your target customer is. 

There are three steps to using custom fields.

  1. Create Your Custom Fields
  2. Map Your Contact Data to Custom Fields
  3. Filter Reports on Your Custom Fields

Creating Custom Fields 

Creating custom fields through SurveyTown is simple. First, hover over the Contacts in the top menu and choose “Custom Fields”. There you will see a button that says “New Custom Field”.

 Here you choose the data type that best represents the data you are importing.  If you importing customers’ first names, you will choose “Text Box” and call it “First Name”.  Another example, if you had a set number of business locations, you would create a “Radio Buttons” or “Drop Down” data type and fill in the options with the business locations.  

 SurveyTown will allow you to create many types of custom fields. The data types of fields you can create are: 

Create Your Own Custom Field

Once you select the data type, you will then create the custom fields.  If it is a data type that has a specific number of options, you will have an interface to add those options.

Match Your Custom Fields to  Contact Data When Importing 

Whether you upload a file or copy and paste your contact list, your data is able to be mapped into the custom fields you created. If you have your contact list broken down into fields such as “First Name”, “Last Name”, and etc., you will be able to map that data into custom fields you created.

Filter Results

Now, fast forward in time and your contacts have received your survey via email and taken it online.  You have a bunch of new survey data. Once results from your survey email start coming in, you can filter results from the custom fields you created so you can see how different customer groups answered differently.

In the “Results” of your survey, you will notice a “Filter Results” button above your visual statistics. When you click on this button, you will be directed to a page where you can add custom fields to filter your data. For example, if your contact list has data that can be broken down into the region or state your contact is from, you can see how contacts from that state responded. 

Data Intelligence 

When filtering your results through custom fields, you can get a feel for the needs of your customers based on who your customer is or the experience they had at your company. If you notice that a certain group is responding more or less favorably to your business, you can use this information to help determine what changes you might need to make in your business. For example, if you created a custom field for the industry or business type your contact works in and certain industries are more satisfied with your services than others which in turn will help you focus your business in the appropriate areas.  

Final Thoughts

Adding custom fields and mapping your contact data into SurveyTown will give you incredible new insights into your customers’ experiences.

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