
10 Tips for White Labeling Success in 2021

7 Tips for White Labeling Success in 2021

What is a white label survey? It’s when you remove the Survey Town branding and rebrand it with your own colors and logo while customizing the “powered by” message at the bottom of your surveys. It allows you to have complete brand control over the surveys your clients send to their audience.

In this article, we look at seven tips for white labeling success in 2021.

White Labeling with Survey Town

As a white label partner of Survey Town, we give you access to a master account. You can use it to create new survey accounts and brand them for your business and for your clients to use.

It’s easy to use our platform as you can even switch between your client’s accounts, so you don’t have to long in and out to manage their accounts.

What’s more, you can customize a login URL as well as a survey response URL. Then your customers can login, create, and even administer their own surveys.

When you white label our products, you end up with happier customers and a little extra money in your pocket.

Now, let’s look at tips for white labeling success.

#1: Create a Workflow that Works

With our white label, you have software that can handle just about anything your customers are looking for in a survey.

So, you have the software, and you have the clients ready to use it. Now you need to make sure you set up a workflow between your brand and your clients. This will help make sure everything is working as it should.

Remember that the survey software sits between you and your clients. It will be better for everyone if you set out expectations for communication from the outset. Otherwise, you’ll be running on a hamster wheel.

Create a workflow that not only works for you but one that works for your clients as well. Establish expectations so it’s easier to work through issues that might arise.

#2: Learn the Software

Since you are white labeling our survey software, your clients expect you know just how to use it.

So, your first step in white labeling is learning all the ins and outs of the survey software. This way when your clients have a question, you are able to answer it.

This also shows them you trust the software; you know what you are doing, and that you can provide them with the results they’re looking for.

Earning your customers trust by knowing the survey software also establishes you as a trusted partner. You show that you value your work and their surveys.

Prove that you can guarantee your work, and you’re in it for the long haul.

What’s more, when you learn the software and can answer questions, you engender trust and loyalty. Ultimately, your business will spread by word of mouth, and you can add more clients to our white label service.

#3: Be Reliable

While you’re proving you can provide results, you also want to prove you’re reliable.

Make sure you’re available for your clients, maintain an easy work relationship, and do what you can to help them or find them an answer.

Keeping clients takes some work on your end so your customers feel like they are receiving something of value from you. (tweet this) Make it easy to use your services.

Customer service is key, even as a white label agency.

#4: Make a Plan for Clients

You’ve white labeled the survey, and you’ve signed on clients. Now it’s time to help them make a plan for a year of surveys.

You want to show your clients you know how to guide them through strategy planning and best usage for surveys.

Consider helping your clients decide on which surveys to send and when throughout the year.  Help them improve their Net Promoter Score with ongoing surveys.

Your clients signed up to work with you. It’s up to you to keep them working with you.

#5: Highlight Your Positives

If you’re white labeling our surveys, you might be white labeling other services for your clients as well.

Make sure to highlight your value to your customers. This way you encourage them to sign up for your services. You don’t want them looking to your competition or other alternatives.
Separate yourself from the competition by highlighting why they should use your white label surveys.

#6: Be Responsive to Your Clients

A white label service is a commodity.  Your customers can always leave and go elsewhere.

While you may have showed them your value as a partner, you also want to show your clients you provide the best in customer service.

This starts by being responsive to their needs and working on your communication skills. You’ll find that by being ultra-responsive to their needs, you’ll be a step ahead of the competition.

Bottom line: return phone calls and emails in the same day they were received. Be friendly and approachable with an “open door” policy.

#7: Focus on Sales and Service

Sales and service go hand in hand.

You probably don’t have the time or energy to develop your own survey software program. Developing programs like this takes a lot of expertise and time.

That’s why a white label option is so good for your business. But, to make it successful, you want to concentrate on sales as well as service.

Ultimately white labeling saves you money while helping you make money as long as you are working to sell it and provide the best possible service.

Final Thoughts

The best businesses that have white labeling success treat it as a business and not as a set-it-and-forget-it side business.

Do your best to create a workflow that works for both you and your clients. Be transparent and responsive to the needs of your clients. Treat them like partners. You are both on the same team – this is the one where you both want them to succeed.

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Image: Jean-Philippe Delberghe on Unsplash

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