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Survey Tips

5 Smart Ways to Improve Your NPS Score

Are you ready to supercharge your Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

As the game-changing survey, you’ll find that the NPS is the single best way to gauge your customers’ loyalty and find out how willing they are to talk positively about you to family and friends.

In this article, we look at five smart ways to improve your NPS score so you can make your customers happier and increase retention. 

#1: Concentrate on Service

In this day and age, your customers expect incredible customer service. Make sure their experience is seamless and easy. Don’t waste their time and make sure your employees keep the customer at the forefront.

In addition, resolve any conflicts quickly. 

#2: Engage Your Staff

Happy employees mean happy customers.

Treat your employees great, and you can be sure they’ll pass on the good service. An employee who is content at a job is more likely to share those good feelings and culture with your customers. (tweet this)

#3: Listen to Phone Calls

You can improve your NPS by listening to customer calls or watching employee/customer interactions at your place of business.

If an employee falls short, it’s time for some extra training.

#4: Provide Ongoing Training

Customer service training should go on all year long and not just once a year or at new hire on-boarding.

Create a culture of service by working on it on a daily basis.

#5: Say Thank You

You should, of course, say thank you in your NPS survey, but you also want to consider saying thank you after the results come in.

There are several options for thanking your customers for completing a survey. One way is to send a thank you email, but if you really want to impress, and you know your customer’s name, send them a hand-written note through the mail.

Final Thoughts

Surveys have their place for any business, especially when you want to know how your customers feel about your products and your service.

NPS surveys are important, too, as they give you a clear picture of how your customers feel about you. It helps you learn if you’re excelling or falling short. It also lets you know very specifically if you can count on your customers to be brand advocates, which is important to your overall marketing and growth strategy.

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Image: Andy Beales on Unsplash