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Survey Tips

Restaurant Incentive Ideas for Taking Surveys

In today’s ultra-busy world, getting people to take your restaurant surveys can be challenging.

Yet, you need these responses to get a wide-range of valuable data. So, how do you encourage better response rates?

Let’s look at restaurant incentive ideas for taking surveys.

The Sweep Stakes Incentive

One option you have for incentives is offering one reward in a drawing-type format.

This type of incentive saves you money and is helpful when your budget is smaller.

You would send your survey as usual by letting respondents know their completed survey is their entry into your sweep stakes.

The winner might get one free meal every month for a year, appetizers for a year, or a private dining experience. Get creative and come up with something that will drive your survey responses.

The Gift Incentive

Your other option is to offer every respondent a reward once they complete your survey. Some ideas include:

  • Coupon for a certain amount off
  • A gift card for a free appetizer, dessert, drink, or even meal

Final Thoughts

Diners will be more likely to take your restaurant survey if you provide an incentive to break through any obstacle they may have to completing it.

When you provide them with something of value, you give them incentive to take the survey. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does have to be something with a large enough perceived value to garner their time.

Think free drinks, free appetizers or desserts, a T-shirt, or another creative idea. You’ll find that incentives will increase your response rate.

The bonus of these survey incentives if they’re tied to your restaurant. So, not only are they taking your survey, but they are coming back to your restaurant to eat again. (tweet this)

Finally, do make sure you follow-up with your survey takers once you’ve compiled your data. Let them know what your plans are and how you’ll use their feedback.

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Images: Dan Gold on Unsplash