survey responses

Top 8 Challenges With Designing Accurate Surveys

Survey Tips

Surveys are an effective way to collect data from your customers. They are helpful in evaluating your offerings and finding ways to make changes for the better.

Yet, some people struggle with survey design and creation and create surveys that aren’t giving them the most accurate results.

To help you learn how to generate the best surveys, we look at the top eight challenges with designing accurate surveys and provide you the solutions you need.

Challenge #1: Missing the Purpose

One of the biggest challenges with designing accurate surveys is knowing the purpose behind it or narrowing it down.

A poor survey will have questions that aren’t related and seemingly have no purpose.

The Solution:

The problem is solved by knowing the purpose of your survey. Before you start creating your survey, you want to ask yourself a few vital questions:

  • What do I need to know?
  • Why do I need to know it?
  • What will I do with my results?

Once you can answer these questions, the purpose of your survey will be clear, and with a clear purpose, more people are likely to complete your survey.

Challenge #2: Using Question Bias

The next thing we look at is the problem of question bias. This means that you are asking questions in such a way that you’ll get the answers you’re looking for.

In other words, you are “prompting” respondents.

For example, a political organization conducts a survey. To influence their results, they ask their questions in carefully crafted ways to elicit the answers they want.

The Solution:

Leading questions not only hurt your survey/poll results, but they also ruin your trustworthiness factor. (tweet  this)

The best way to avoid question bias is to take your emotions out of the survey. If you need, have someone else help you craft the questions so they aren’t leading respondents to a specific answer. Or, have others review your survey.

Challenge #3: Measuring Too Many Things

Along with the purpose of your survey, you have to know what you’re measuring and how.

If you don’t know this, you’ll end up measuring too many things or the wrong things, and it will be hard to analyze your data.

The Solution:

Deciding what to measure is in direct correlation to the objectives of your survey.

For example, if you want to learn about how respondents feel about your company and your customer service, you measure the net promoter score.

Know the purpose of your survey, and then decide what you want to measure. Don’t measure too many things at one time. This also helps you manage your data and helps ensure you can take action on your results.

Challenge #4: Using a Biased Selection

Why is selection bias a challenge when designing accurate surveys?

Selection bias is a problem because it shows responses that don’t reflect a representative sample of your population.

While you want a statistically valid sample size, you don’t want one that is too large and irrelevant. If your sample size is too large, the responses you get may not accurately reflect your targeted population.

For example, let’s say you try to survey people in a rural area by sending them an online survey. Your selection is biased because many of those people won’t have an Internet connection.

Or, you want to survey people with children, but you include singles and those without children.

The Solution:

To design an accurate survey and avoid selection bias, you must target a population that fits the goals of your survey.

You don’t want to include, or exclude, the wrong participants, or your data will be skewed.

Define your target population and stick with it. Make sure you have a clearly defined idea of what you want in a respondent. This helps you frame your survey in a more accurate way.

The source of your target group is much more important than the size of your group. A small group of 100 people who match your target will give you better data than 1000 random people who may have no frame of reference for your survey.

A final note – don’t forget to use disqualifying logic to filter out respondents who really aren’t part of your targeted sample population.

Challenge #5: Getting Duplicate Responses

Some people run into the issue of getting duplicate responses.

This skews your survey data because you have the same person completing your survey more than once.

How does this happen? It’s a common occurrence when surveys come with an incentive, and your respondents want more than one of what you’re offering.

Or, they may want to take your survey multiple times to increase their chances of winning your drawing or getting other benefits.

The Solution:

Solve the issue of duplicate responses by using vote protection so respondents can only take your survey one time.

Challenge #6: Creating a Lengthy Survey

When you create a survey that is too long, you have higher dropout rates, and this affects your response rates.

People are more likely to abandon a long, involved survey than one with just a few questions.

The Solution:

The best solution to this problem is to know your purpose and what you want to measure and then craft your questions.

Keep your survey to 10 questions or less. This usually means respondents can complete your survey in less than 10 minutes.

Challenge #7: Mixing Up Your Wording

Surveys with complicated wording are hard for people to complete. It’s also bad form to ask two questions in one.

Both of these issues don’t help you with accurate survey creation.

The Solution:

Be diligent when writing your questions.

For example, don’t ask two questions in one like this: “Do you like our tacos and our fajitas?” Regardless of the answer, you have no idea what they really like.

You also want to write clear, concise and simple questions. If respondents can’t understand your question, they can’t accurately answer it.

Bottom line – stick to one topic per sentence, use short sentences and don’t use technical jargon.

Challenge #8: Using Irrelevant Questions

If you ask irrelevant questions, you can count on an inaccurate survey.

Don’t ask respondents questions you don’t really care about or that have nothing to do with the purpose of your survey.

In addition, don’t include questions that don’t pertain to the respondent.

The Solution:

Avoid asking irrelevant questions by using the following as your guide:

  • Use question logic for consecutive questions. For example, if you ask a question, and the respondent answers “no,” don’t send them to the question for people who answered “yes.”
  • Don’t ask questions that move away from your purpose.
  • You also don’t want to include questions that you don’t intend to take action on.

To Conclude

We’ve looked at the top eight challenges with designing accurate surveys, and now you have our top solutions.

You’ll find that when you put these solutions to practice you end up with more accurate surveys and clean data. This helps you draw accurate conclusions that you can then act on for the betterment of your business.

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Image: Rohit Tandon

How Long Is Too Long? – Keeping Your Survey to A Reasonable Length

Survey Tips

Is there a perfect survey length? How long is too long?

What is the point where respondents drop off? Is less really more?

We look at all of these questions in this article as we discuss keeping your survey to a reasonable length. Here’s how to use the right length to get the most responses.

Only Ask What You Need

Let’s say you want to ask your customers questions about several of your products, how they feel about your customer service and if they’re interested in a new product you’re thinking about launching.

Before you start creating a survey with all of these questions, ask yourself which one of these questions you are prepared to act on in the next few months.

Then, ask about just this one. That’s right, create your survey around one goal.

While you may have several questions in your survey, you want to keep it goal-centered and stick to one topic.

Then, in the future, you can send out a survey about one of your other topics.

By keeping your survey to a reasonable length, you’ll have more responses.

Be Brief

Brevity is a good thing not only in the number of survey questions, but in question length. (tweet this)

People today have a short attention span. If they have to read your question that spans two long sentences, they are more apt to drop out than if the question was one short sentence.

Short and simple is the way to go when crafting your questions.

Watch Out for Repeats

Read and re-read your survey before you send it out. Enlist family and friends to look it over, too.

Make sure you aren’t repeating yourself or asking the same question in different ways. Repeat-questions just increase your length.

Complete the Survey Before Sending

It’s a good idea to test drive your survey before sending.

Create your survey, sit down in front of your computer and pretend you are the respondent. Carefully read and answer each question, thinking about whether it’s really necessary.

Time the survey so you know how long it takes start to finish. Notice if you feel like dropping out before finishing. If so, ask yourself if the survey is too long, or if the question is wordy and confusing.

Be Upfront with People

Since you’ve taken your own survey, you know how long it takes to complete.

If it takes two minutes, tell them. If it takes 15 minutes, you want to let them know. It’s not a good idea to surprise respondents as they begin taking the test.

You can bet that people who think they’re taking a short survey are likely to drop out at the five-minute mark.

Set the expectations upfront. Then watch your response rates. If you find your customers are more likely to complete a four-minute survey than they are a seven-minute survey, plan accordingly in the future.

To Conclude

Short, focused surveys with just one objective tend to get the best response rates.

As you create your questions, do it with the customer in mind. You really want to know what they think, so respect their time and only send specific surveys. After all, you can always send another one at a later date.

Bottom line, your survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete. Time is a precious commodity, and you don’t want to take advantage of it.

This means you want to include less than 10 questions as a general guideline to improve your response rates.

Your customers will appreciate a shorter survey that’s quick to complete, and you’ll experience fewer drop outs.

Another benefit is that when you send additional surveys in the future, your customers know you appreciate their time, so they’ll be more apt to answer surveys down the road as well.

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Image: William Iven

How To Use Uploads As Part Of Your Surveys And Forms

Survey Tips

You’ll find there are many different types of questions to ask in a survey, and they each serve their purpose.

  • The dichotomous question is generally a “yes/no” question.
  • Users are encouraged to type their own response in the open-ended question.
  • The multiple-choice question allows users to pick from a variety of answers.
  • The rank order and ranking scale questions allow users to rank items.

But, what if you need more information than this?

This is where uploads come in.  You can use uploads as part of your surveys and forms.

How to Use Uploads

When you use uploads, you give respondents the ability to attach data that isn’t usually available through the above standard survey questions. (tweet this)

For example, a customer purchases your product, and you want to see it in action so you ask them to upload a photo. Or, perhaps you want respondents to upload a document like a resume. They could also do this with the file upload.

Even better, they can upload documents and photos through the survey on their phones.

Final Thoughts

With the extra feature of being able to use uploads as part of your surveys and forms, you can now collect additional information from respondents.

You make it easy for them to send you information they have in a digital format. This is especially helpful for respondents because they don’t have to type the information into your survey – they can just upload a file.

This survey question type is particularly beneficial when using mobile surveys. Your respondents can simply upload a photo or document from their mobile device to the survey.

It makes it easier for respondents to provide you with information while engaging them in the process.

You’ll find the files easy to access in Survey Town for your review. You now have access to even more data in your survey results.

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Image via Visual Hunt.

3 Ways To Use Survey Data To Better Target Customers

Survey Tips

Targeting the right customers at the right time is essential to your company’s marketing plan. (tweet this)

To build an effective marketing strategy, you have to know the best ways to reach your customers as well as the right information to provide them.

When you start putting together your marketing plan, you begin by making decisions on who you think your target customers are, and then you put some time into gathering and analyzing their habits. This begins with the survey.

Using a survey to find out more about your target audience is a cost-effective way to change the game plan and increase your business growth.

In this article, we look at three ways to use survey data to better target customers. First, let’s look at why the survey is a good option.

Why Survey Target Customers?

It’s hard to connect with people if you only think you know what they need. There’s no need to guess any longer. Use a survey to effectively connect with your customers.

When you survey your current customers as well as members of your target market, you learn what they need and want. You learn how to better present your products and services.

You also learn where you might be lacking and how to improve.

Survey a large group of people, but stick to those you think might have some interest in what you’re offering. You can then use their data to better target new customers.

Once you know more about your target market, you can go about marketing to them.

Let’s look at a few ways to use survey results to help you further target contacts:

  • Integrate survey results with email list management
  • Improve customer retention rates
  • Incorporate results into your CRM

Email List Management

An added benefit of sending your customers surveys is that you let them know you really care about what they want and what they think.

Once you get your survey results back, you can use that data to segment your email list and send the right info to the right people at the right time.

You can also use the survey data to build better email campaigns. You can make them more specific and relevant to the people on your list.

This means people are more likely to open, read and click through your email campaigns.

When you gather vital data through your surveys and segment your lists, you can highly target your messages to subscribers, providing them the information that benefits them the most. In turn, you see a greater return on your investment.

Customer Retention

You can increase your customer retention rates by analyzing your survey data. Survey them to learn what they like and what they wish you’d do differently.

Here are some ideas to get you started. Survey your customers with these questions to learn where to concentrate your customer retention efforts:

Ask them what they link about discounts. Survey them to find out how big they’d like to see the discounts and how often. Ask them if they’d like a perks program that includes coupons or freebies. Find out if a loyalty rewards program would incentivize them to stick with you.

This takes all the guesswork out of your retention program. You may think you know what they want, but you won’t know for sure until you ask.

Ask them what new products or services they’d like to see. Once you know what their needs are, you can provide them just what they require.

This encourages them to stick with your company and lets them know you care what they need.

Ask them what they think of your service. The fastest way to lose a customer is with bad service. In fact, according to one source, 78% of consumers have bailed on a transaction or not made an intended purchase because of a poor service experience.

Knowing that 12 positive experiences are needed to make up for one unresolved negative experience shows just how important your service is.

You can’t be involved in every transaction, so the only way to know for sure what your customers think is to ask them. Surveys give your customers the opportunity to open up and share their experiences, giving you the chance to improve where needed and increase customer retention rates.

CRM Software Usage

Did you know you can use survey data in tandem with your CRM (Customer Relationship Management)?

How well you use your CRM is completely dependent on how much you know about your customers and your target market.

The more you know, the better the relationships you can create.

Surveys are a great way to maximize the data you use in your CRM to make it really work for your business.

When you combine your survey data with the automated benefits of your CRM, you can use your market research to build sales strategies that work better for your business.

Surveys can help you qualify your leads better because you learn more about what makes your customers tick. You can gather demographic information as well as their interests and needs.

Survey data helps keep your contact information fresh and relevant while helping you further segment your customers for the best in targeted information.

You can also use your survey data to catch any problems before they get worse. You do this by integrating your CRM software with online surveys. This helps you automate feedback to your customers at various touch-points.

Consider surveying them after they purchase, following a customer service call, when they cancel your service or return a product, or when they buy again.

You’ll have a better grasp on your strengths and weaknesses using this survey data to use your CRM better.

You can also send automated replies when customers give you negative survey feedback. Consider an “I’m sorry” message to make your customer feel better.

Final Thoughts

You’ll find there are many ways to use survey data to better target customers.

It can only help jump start your marketing strategy and help fill in the questions you might have about your target audience.

Use your surveys to enhance your email marketing, customer retention efforts and your CRM, and you’ll end up with happier, more engaged customers who truly appreciate your business.

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Images: William Iven

3 Ways To Design A Survey That Users Will Love To Complete

Survey Tips

You’ve probably completed your fair share of surveys, and you’ve most likely ignored an equal amount.

Ask yourself why you completed some and ignored others. Perhaps some interested you while others didn’t. Or, maybe a company offered you a perk for taking the survey.

To help you get your surveys returned and not ignored, we look at five ways to design a survey that users will love to complete.

Let’s look at how to encourage users to complete your survey and not walk away frustrated.

#1: Keep It Short

The best way to design a survey that users will love to complete is to make it short and to the point. (tweet this)

Limit your survey questions, and you reduce your drop off rates.

When it comes to crafting your survey, focus on what you really want to know.

For example, do you want to know how they liked your product, what they thought of your event or how they like your customer service?

While it would be nice to know the answers to all of these questions, and more, you don’t need to know it all at once. Only ask the few questions you are prepared to take action on immediately.

Your survey respondents are doing you a favor, so do them a favor and make your survey easy to finish quickly.

Studies show that the ideal number of questions is less than 12 to prevent customers from abandoning your survey. Try and stick to 3-5 questions for the best results.

It’s also a good idea to test your survey so you know how long it takes to complete. Spell this out for your respondents so they know what to expect.

#2: Don’t Ask Leading Questions

Your customers aren’t naïve. They know when you’re trying to push your agenda, and if they encounter this, they just might abandon your survey.

Craft your questions so that they are neutral. You don’t want to lead respondents to an answer. Consider these three scenarios:

  1. Please rate product X on a scale of one to five.
  2. Tell us what you think about product X. (This asks them to type out why.)
  3. Tell us the reasons why product X is the best on the market. (You provide check boxes of items that show why you think it’s great.)

Scenario number one and two are neutral. Scenario number three obviously leads the customer and just might irritate those who don’t think your product is great.

#3: Limit Your Use of Matrix Questions

Matrix questions are the ones that require respondents to fill in little circles.

Why do these questions make people crazy? Respondents can get confused with these as overdone matrices are complicated and hard to follow.

This also hurts you as your customers may abandon the survey altogether or just choose to make a pretty pattern as they mark your circles.

If you must use a matrix, limit your header options to five so it isn’t so complicated.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know how to design a survey that users will love to complete, let’s look at some final tips for maximizing your responses:

  • Let your customers know the survey is coming. Tell them why you’re sending it and how you’ll use their results. Tell them the survey is confidential.
  • Give your respondents time to complete the survey. If sending online, one week’s time is generally sufficient.
  • Design your survey so it’s easy to read. Make your sections clear and pay attention to the flow from one section or question to another.
  • Send a reminder during the week-long survey period. Thank those who competed the survey and remind others of the deadline. Consider offering respondents an incentive for participating. It could be an outright perk, or you could enter them in a drawing after they complete your survey.

Finally, if you plan to send more surveys in the future, you want to let your customers know their opinions matter.

Shortly after the survey, send them an email outlining the responses and the actions you are going to take. Thank the participants again.

Follow these steps, and you can bet they’ll be there for you the next time you want to survey them.

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Images: Brooke Cagle



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What Is A Good Net Promoter Score?

Survey Tips

Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures the experience customers have with your business. It also predicts your company’s growth potential.

When measuring the customer experience using the NPS, you want to answer the question, “What is a good Net Promoter Score?”

In this article, we dissect that question and provide you with an answer. First, let’s look at how the score is calculated.

The NPS Calculation

  • Promoters (score 9-10) are loyal enthusiasts that you can expect to keep purchasing from you and referring others which fuels growth.
  • Passives (score 7-8) are satisfied, but they are not enthusiastic customers. They are vulnerable to your competition.
  • Detractors (score 0-6) are your unhappy customers who can damage your brand and hinder growth through their negative word-of-mouth.

You subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters to get your Net Promoter Score. The top score you can get is 100, and that’s only if everyone is a promoter.

What’s a Good Score?

So, you want to know what your Net Promoter Score should be. While this is a simple enough question, the answer is, “It depends.”

It is widely accepted that a score below 0 means you have work to do, a score of 50 is excellent, and a score of 70 and above is top notch.

It’s also worth noting that any positive score means you have more promoters than detractors. (tweet this)

That being said, your score depends on your industry and the region of the country you live in. It also hinges on your customers – their age and income as well as other demographics. Your NPS is based on how long your customers have been associated with your business.

To really understand your score, compare it to the score of others in your industry. If you are consistently scoring higher than your competitors, you’re doing something right and are set for growth.

Use your research as a benchmark. This helps you gauge the success of the customer experience you provide your customers.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that your score should reflect your efforts at the overall customer experience.

If you’re working hard to improve your service and relationship with your customers, it stands to reason that your score will be positive.

If you find you have a negative score, then it’s time to create a customer service strategy.

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Images: Timothy Muza

Getting The Right Feedback – The Impact Of Employee Engagement Programs

Survey Tips

According to a Gallup poll, employee engagement has been basically flat since 2000, and the number of engaged employees in the United States sits at just 32%.

Those are pretty discouraging numbers for many companies.

To help you increase your business’ employee engagement, we’re going to look at getting the right feedback – the impact of employee engagement programs.

First, let’s define it.

The Definition of Employee Engagement

Engaged employees care about your business, and they are committed to their work. In addition, they are even enthusiastic about their jobs and enjoy coming to work.

Your level of employee engagement has a direct correlation to the outcomes of your business and your overall financial success. (tweet this)

Your engaged employees are important for your bottom line because they wholeheartedly support your company, your mission and your vision.

Bottom line, employee engagement is the emotional commitment your staff has to your company and your goals.

When your employees are engaged, they work extra hours without being asked. They clean the bathrooms even if you don’t know they’re doing it. Engaged employees let that last customer in the door even though you’re already closed.

So, how do you know if your employees are engaged? You survey them.

The Employee Engagement Survey

Have you ever conducted an employee survey? They’re quite common for employees separating from a company, but many businesses don’t take the time to survey their current employees.

We advise you to conduct an employee engagement survey. It will show you how happy, or unhappy, your employees are, how invested they feel in your company, how they feel about morale, and if they are dedicated to your goals.

Here are a few more reasons to conduct an employee engagement survey:

  • Surveys give your employees a chance to voice their opinion. Surveys let your employees talk without fear of reprisal, and they get them involved in the inner workings of your company.
  • Surveys measure how engaged your employees are. You want to know how your staff feels about their pay, benefits, advancement opportunities, recognition systems, training opportunities and their overall work environment.
  • Surveys help you put together a strategy for improving overall employee engagement. You’ll most likely find a pattern in the survey responses so you can find ways to improve.
  • You’ll learn where you need to address leadership problems, office troubles and the general feelings about the office.
  • You can survey your employees several times during the year to see if you’ve improved from the first survey.

Essential Employee Engagement Survey Questions

To help you begin crafting your employee engagement survey, here are some questions you can consider asking in your first survey.

  • Ask employees if they know your strategic goals. Then ask them if they understand them.
  • Ask them if they know how the company is going about meeting its goals and objectives. Then, pose a question asking them what their role is.
  • You want to know if your employees see a clear link between their work and your business’ goals and objectives, so ask them.
  • Find out if they are proud to work at your company.
  • Ask them what they like best about their work.
  • Ask them what they like least about their work.
  • Craft a question to find out how they feel about their team and their team leader.
  • Ask them what inspires them to come to work every day.
  • Find out if they understand your company’s internal processes.
  • Ask them if they have enough information to get their work done each day.

Final Thoughts

Don’t underestimate the impact of employee engagement on not only performance, but your business.

The foundation of every successful business is firmly planted on the shoulders of engaged employees.

These are staff members who are dedicated to your mission, vision and goals. They are team members who’ll go above and beyond the call of duty even if no one is watching.

They are employees who are more productive, work harder and feel successful at their jobs. They enjoy coming to work each day.

Engaged employees care about the success of your business just as much as you do.

In today’s competitive work environment, isn’t it time you found out just how engaged your employees are?

Ready to get started with your free trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Images: Crew


The 3 Best Questions To Ask In A Customer Satisfaction Survey

Survey Tips

So, you’ve decided it’s time to collect some data. You want to know just how happy your customers are.

The best way to find out is with a customer satisfaction survey.

It helps you learn how satisfied your customers are while finding ways to improve your products or services. And, finally, it helps you identify people who love your products and might be your brand ambassadors.

But, where do you start?

It can be confusing trying to decide the best questions to ask. In this article, we’re going to help you.

Here are the three best questions to ask in a customer satisfaction survey.

#1: What is your biggest challenge in ___?

Depending on your business, you can fill in the blank at the end of this question.

Your goal is find out what the biggest problem your customers are facing as it pertains to your company, services or products.

When you find out what their challenges are, you can meet them head on and help them solve their unique issues.

Hopefully, once you start receiving responses, you’ll see some common threads so you can create actionable solutions.

Here are some example questions you might ask:

  • What is your biggest challenge in speaking to our customer service staff?
  • What is your biggest challenge in using our services?
  • What is your biggest challenge in using our products?

#2: What would you most like us to know about ___?

This is a great open question that lets your customers know you really care about their opinion. You’ll find that you gather some very useful information through this question.

It can be tricky to elicit the right answers from this question. So you will need to direct your customers a bit. You might limit the number of characters they can use in the text box or give them a few choices so you can narrow their answers.

You might find that the answers to this question allow you to tailor your business model to meet customer needs directly.

#3: How would you describe us to a friend?

Wouldn’t you like to know what terminology your customers use to describe your business, products and services?

With this open-ended question, you’re sure to gain a great deal of insight. You can use the answers to this question to position your company and fine-tune your marketing strategy.

This question also provides good verbiage for testimonials and reviews on your website. Please just make sure you have permission to use them.

Through this question, you can also pick up on any negativity and make plans to change it.

To Conclude:

We’ve covered the three best questions to ask in a customer satisfaction survey. So, those of you ready to start have a good base.

For those of you still on the fence about sending out a customer satisfaction survey, we’re going to leave you with a few reasons why you should think about sending a survey at least once a year.

You can find out if your customers have had any problems with your company and your products or services. Some of your customers won’t complain, so a survey is a great way for them to respond anonymously.

Customer satisfaction surveys can shed light on the performance of your staff. You’ll learn how they respond to your customers.

Surveys also help you understand your customers’ needs, want and desires. The overall goal of your survey is to help your customers have a better overall experience. (tweet this)

Finally, the last two important parts of conducting a customer satisfaction survey are compiling the data and actually doing something with it. Don’t let the data sit on a shelf. Act on it to improve your business and your customers’ happiness.

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Image: Farrell Nobel