You want more survey respondents. Sometimes people recommend incentives. So, should you reward your customers for filling out your survey?
Survey Tips
What You Can Learn from Your CES Score
Survey Tips
Wondering what your customers think of your overall customer experience? Learn about it with the CES survey. Here’s what you can learn from your CES score.
Incorporating Survey Results into Your CRM
Survey Tips
You use customer relationship management software, so it only makes sense you like to know more about incorporating survey results into your CRM.
Benefits of Sharing Your NPS Score with Employees
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You did the survey, got your results, and compiled your data. Now what? In this article, we look at the benefits of sharing your NPS score with employees.
NPS Vs Ratings – Which Is a Better Indicator of Customer Satisfaction
Survey Tips
You’ve heard about the Net Promoter Score (NPS), and you know about ratings. But, which is a better indicator of customer satisfaction?
What to Do Immediately After Seeing Your NPS Rating
Survey Tips
You sent your survey, and now you’ve got your results. Here’s what to do immediately after seeing your NPS rating. Get ready, get set, and go.
7 Tips for Creating Meaningful Questions
Survey Tips
You’ve got questions, and you need answers. This may be questions about your products, customer service, or new offerings.
You want to pose these questions to your customers, but you aren’t quite sure how to do it. In comes the survey.
While many think you can just throw a few questions together, it’s important that you create questions that will provide you with valuable data. Ask the wrong questions, and you won’t see the right answers.
In this article, we look at seven tips for creating meaningful questions, so you get good feedback.
#1: Make a Plan
The best surveys start with a plan. Before you sit down to create your questions, you first want a plan, so you have actionable results.
The first thing to ask yourself is what you want to learn. Here are some things to get you thinking:
- What is the purpose of your survey?
- What will you do with the results?
- What to do you need to know to take action?
#2: Have a Focus
When you make a plan, you’re better able to spot your focus. The most successful surveys have no more than one or two focus points. (tweet this)
In other words, you don’t want to ask too many varied questions. Why? Your survey won’t be as meaningful, and you’ll have more survey dropouts.
What’s more, if you have too many topics, you’ll have too much data to take action on.
#3: Make Your Survey Simple
Don’t confuse your respondents. The most meaningful surveys are short and to the point.
When it comes to wording, make the words short and easy to understand. You don’t want respondents getting out their dictionaries.
Use words that mean only one thing. Don’t leave room for any interpretation. Avoid slang.
Include only one thought per sentence. Don’t be biased and avoid all negative contractions.
#4: Make Your Survey Short
Longer surveys have a lot of drop out. So, keep your survey to one-five questions for the best, most meaningful results.
#5: Have an Order to Your Questions
When survey makers place questions out of order, it’s confusing for your respondents.
Keep survey questions in order and in context. For example, you can start with broad questions about your topic and then move on to more specific ones. Make sure your questions build on one another to increase your relevant data.
This is the funnel approach, and it makes it easier for your customers to work through your survey.
#6: Analyze Your Questions
Do be sure to analyze your questions.
For example, if you are asking a yes or no question, does it really work? These are easy questions for people, but are they really meaningful? Most often, only for data points.
For long survey questions, you want to go back and make sure you can’t split them in two. If you can, please do it. There should only be one topic per question.
#7: Be Timely
When sending surveys be timely. For example, if you’re sending a survey after a customer service touchpoint, it should be sent immediately, not four days later.
It’s hard for respondents to accurate complete your survey and give you meaningful data if too much time as lapsed.
To Conclude
Finally, surveys with the most meaningful results are tested by several people before they are sent out.
First, testing keeps you from having typos in your survey. Next, testing lets you know how long it takes users to complete your survey. And ultimately it lets you know if your survey makes sense.
Have your colleagues, friends, and family take your survey before you send it out. You might be surprised what they find.
The best surveys have meaningful questions that provide data you can act on. Use the tips here to create better surveys with even better results.
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