survey data

The Art Of Asking The Right Questions

Survey Tips

Interestingly, to get the answers you seek, you first have to ask the right questions. In fact, this is the goal of effective communicators and data collectors.

To help you get the best survey responses, we look at the art of asking the right questions.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

One of the best ways to ask the right question is to pose an open-ended question to your survey respondents.

If you really want an honest answer to your question, you want to ask a what or a how question. For example:

  • What do you think of product x after you’ve used it for several weeks?
  • How do you feel our team met your service needs?
  • How can we change the product to better meet your needs?
  • What do you think of your interaction with our sales team member?

You don’t want to ask leading questions that prompt a respondent to answer in a specific way. Instead, use the open-ended question to elicit the most honest, thoughtful answers.

Ask Purposeful Questions

Another trick to asking the right questions is to be purposeful in your survey.

Don’t just ask questions for the purpose of asking questions or filling your survey. Sometimes asking one-three questions is enough, especially if you’re asking the right ones.

You should only ask questions that provide you more information and a better understanding of how your products, systems and team are doing.

It’s imperative that you only post questions that you intend to take action on. 

Final Thoughts

To master the art of asking the right question, simplicity is a good rule of thumb.

This helps you communicate effectively and gather the most useful data.

Ask only what you really need to know and explain your question in the most succinct way possible.

This ensures you end up with actionable data so you can use your survey responses to improve your business. 

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Image: Ashes Sitoula on Unsplash

3 Ways To Use Survey Data To Better Target Customers

Survey Tips

Targeting the right customers at the right time is essential to your company’s marketing plan. (tweet this)

To build an effective marketing strategy, you have to know the best ways to reach your customers as well as the right information to provide them.

When you start putting together your marketing plan, you begin by making decisions on who you think your target customers are, and then you put some time into gathering and analyzing their habits. This begins with the survey.

Using a survey to find out more about your target audience is a cost-effective way to change the game plan and increase your business growth.

In this article, we look at three ways to use survey data to better target customers. First, let’s look at why the survey is a good option.

Why Survey Target Customers?

It’s hard to connect with people if you only think you know what they need. There’s no need to guess any longer. Use a survey to effectively connect with your customers.

When you survey your current customers as well as members of your target market, you learn what they need and want. You learn how to better present your products and services.

You also learn where you might be lacking and how to improve.

Survey a large group of people, but stick to those you think might have some interest in what you’re offering. You can then use their data to better target new customers.

Once you know more about your target market, you can go about marketing to them.

Let’s look at a few ways to use survey results to help you further target contacts:

  • Integrate survey results with email list management
  • Improve customer retention rates
  • Incorporate results into your CRM

Email List Management

An added benefit of sending your customers surveys is that you let them know you really care about what they want and what they think.

Once you get your survey results back, you can use that data to segment your email list and send the right info to the right people at the right time.

You can also use the survey data to build better email campaigns. You can make them more specific and relevant to the people on your list.

This means people are more likely to open, read and click through your email campaigns.

When you gather vital data through your surveys and segment your lists, you can highly target your messages to subscribers, providing them the information that benefits them the most. In turn, you see a greater return on your investment.

Customer Retention

You can increase your customer retention rates by analyzing your survey data. Survey them to learn what they like and what they wish you’d do differently.

Here are some ideas to get you started. Survey your customers with these questions to learn where to concentrate your customer retention efforts:

Ask them what they link about discounts. Survey them to find out how big they’d like to see the discounts and how often. Ask them if they’d like a perks program that includes coupons or freebies. Find out if a loyalty rewards program would incentivize them to stick with you.

This takes all the guesswork out of your retention program. You may think you know what they want, but you won’t know for sure until you ask.

Ask them what new products or services they’d like to see. Once you know what their needs are, you can provide them just what they require.

This encourages them to stick with your company and lets them know you care what they need.

Ask them what they think of your service. The fastest way to lose a customer is with bad service. In fact, according to one source, 78% of consumers have bailed on a transaction or not made an intended purchase because of a poor service experience.

Knowing that 12 positive experiences are needed to make up for one unresolved negative experience shows just how important your service is.

You can’t be involved in every transaction, so the only way to know for sure what your customers think is to ask them. Surveys give your customers the opportunity to open up and share their experiences, giving you the chance to improve where needed and increase customer retention rates.

CRM Software Usage

Did you know you can use survey data in tandem with your CRM (Customer Relationship Management)?

How well you use your CRM is completely dependent on how much you know about your customers and your target market.

The more you know, the better the relationships you can create.

Surveys are a great way to maximize the data you use in your CRM to make it really work for your business.

When you combine your survey data with the automated benefits of your CRM, you can use your market research to build sales strategies that work better for your business.

Surveys can help you qualify your leads better because you learn more about what makes your customers tick. You can gather demographic information as well as their interests and needs.

Survey data helps keep your contact information fresh and relevant while helping you further segment your customers for the best in targeted information.

You can also use your survey data to catch any problems before they get worse. You do this by integrating your CRM software with online surveys. This helps you automate feedback to your customers at various touch-points.

Consider surveying them after they purchase, following a customer service call, when they cancel your service or return a product, or when they buy again.

You’ll have a better grasp on your strengths and weaknesses using this survey data to use your CRM better.

You can also send automated replies when customers give you negative survey feedback. Consider an “I’m sorry” message to make your customer feel better.

Final Thoughts

You’ll find there are many ways to use survey data to better target customers.

It can only help jump start your marketing strategy and help fill in the questions you might have about your target audience.

Use your surveys to enhance your email marketing, customer retention efforts and your CRM, and you’ll end up with happier, more engaged customers who truly appreciate your business.

Surveys help you make the best decisions for your business. Are you ready to get started with your free Survey Town trial? Start with your free account today, and you can upgrade at any time.

Images: William Iven