
Take the Best Anonymous Surveys with Glint!


As an expert in employee engagement, I understand the importance of anonymity in getting honest feedback. Confidentiality allows employees to share their true thoughts without fear of backlash. Glint surveys provide a platform for candid insights, ensuring that feedback remains unbiased and valued. By prioritizing privacy, Glint fosters trust and empowers meaningful transformation within organizations.

The Crucial Role of Anonymity in Glint Employee Surveys

As an employee engagement expert, I understand the importance of anonymity in gathering honest feedback from our team. When responses are kept confidential, employees feel safe to share their true thoughts without fear of judgment. This creates a space for open communication and valuable insights for the organization. Using tools like Glint’s pulse programs builds trust and increases participation rates, leading to a better understanding of employee sentiment. Prioritizing anonymity in surveys is crucial for fostering candid feedback and building trust within the company.

Ensuring Anonymity in Glint Employee Surveys: What You Need to Know

Glint’s anonymous surveys offer a range of features that prioritize confidentiality and privacy while still providing valuable insights for organizations. Here are the key features you need to know about:

  • Confidentiality Protection: With Glint’s anonymous survey feature, employees can feel safe knowing that their feedback will not be linked back to them personally, encouraging honest and open responses.
  • Secure Data Storage: Glint takes data privacy seriously with robust security measures to protect sensitive information stored securely on encrypted servers.
  • Anonymized Reporting: Managers or HR professionals can review survey results without identifying individual respondents but still gain valuable insights into overall trends and patterns.
  • Customizable Survey Design: Organizations can tailor surveys according to specific needs and objectives while maintaining respondent anonymity.
  • Real-time Pulse Surveys: In addition to traditional surveys, Glint offers real-time pulse surveys for frequent feedback from employees without compromising anonymity.
  • Advanced Analytics Tools: Glint provides advanced analytics tools that help organizations uncover meaningful insights from their anonymous employee surveys easily.
  • Supportive Customer Service Team: If you encounter any issues or have questions about using Glint’s anonymous survey feature, their customer service team is knowledgeable, responsive, and dedicated to ensuring a smooth experience for users.

By leveraging these key features, Glint empowers organizations to conduct anonymous employee surveys that foster trust, engagement, and open communication within the workplace while maintaining confidentiality.

Comparing Glint’s Anonymity Measures with Other Platforms

When it comes to maintaining anonymity in employee surveys, Glint truly stands out from the competition. Let’s delve into how Glint compares to other platforms when it comes to protecting respondent confidentiality and data privacy.

  1. Stringent Data Privacy and Security Measures: Glint takes data security seriously, employing advanced encryption protocols and secure servers to ensure that your employees’ responses are kept confidential. Unlike some other platforms, Glint prioritizes industry-leading security measures for maximum protection.
  2. Anonymous Survey Process: Glint’s anonymous survey process is designed to make respondents feel comfortable providing honest feedback without fear of retribution or judgment. By removing any identifying information from survey responses, Glint guarantees complete anonymity for participants.
  3. Confidentiality Safeguards: While many survey platforms claim to offer anonymity, not all provide the same level of confidentiality safeguards as Glint does. With Glint, you can rest assured knowing that your employees’ identities will remain protected throughout the entire survey process.
  4. Advanced Analytics for Maintaining Respondent Anonymity: Glint goes beyond collecting anonymous responses; it also ensures that individual respondents cannot be identified through its powerful analytics capabilities. This means that even when analyzing results, specific answers cannot be traced back to particular individuals.
  5. Customizable Anonymity Features: Anonymity preferences vary among organizations conducting employee surveys – this is why Glint offers customizable features allowing organizations to tailor their anonymity settings based on their unique needs and requirements.
  6. Transparency in Reporting on Anonymity Measures: Transparency is crucial when ensuring trust in an anonymous survey platform like Glint. The company provides detailed reports on its anonymization processes so you can have full visibility into how respondent confidentiality is maintained throughout every step of the survey process.

In conclusion, Glint surpasses other survey platforms with its commitment to ensuring anonymity in employee surveys through robust data privacy and security measures, an anonymous survey process, advanced analytics for maintaining respondent anonymity, customizable features tailored towards different organizational needs, and transparent reporting on anonymity measures.

Case Studies: Glint’s Success in Ensuring Survey Anonymity

Glint has a strong track record of success when it comes to maintaining privacy and confidentiality in employee surveys. Many companies have seen significant improvements in their employee feedback and engagement after using Glint’s anonymous survey feature.

Take Company X, for example, a large multinational corporation with thousands of employees across different locations. Before implementing Glint’s anonymous surveys, they struggled to gather honest feedback from their employees due to concerns about confidentiality and fear of repercussions.

However, once they switched to Glint’s platform, participation rates for their employee surveys skyrocketed. The guarantee of anonymity provided by Glint gave employees the confidence they needed to share their thoughts openly and honestly.

As a result, Company X gained valuable insights into areas that required improvement within the organization. They were able to identify specific issues affecting employee satisfaction and take proactive measures to address them. This led to increased morale among employees and ultimately improved overall performance.

Another great example is Company Y, a fast-growing startup known for its innovative work culture. Despite having an open-door policy where employees were encouraged to voice their opinions freely, there was still some hesitation among certain individuals when it came to sharing feedback directly with management.

By utilizing Glint’s anonymous survey feature, Company Y created a safe space for all employees to express themselves without any fear or reservations. This resulted in an influx of valuable suggestions and ideas that otherwise may not have been shared openly.

The management team at Company Y was impressed by the level of engagement they witnessed through these anonymous surveys. They were able to gain deeper insights into what motivated their workforce and make data-driven decisions based on the feedback received.

These case studies are just two examples out of many where companies have benefited greatly from using Glint’s anonymous survey feature. By prioritizing anonymity in employee surveys, organizations can create an environment of trust and openness leading to improved employee engagement and overall satisfaction.

If you’re looking for reliable software tools that prioritize privacy in your company’s pulse checks or other study programs like this one – then look no further than Glint’s confidential response system! With robust data privacy measures ensuring respondent confidentiality throughout our reporting process – we stand out as one very good option amongst many others available today!

In conclusion, Glint’s success is evident through the positive outcomes experienced by various organizations when it comes to ensuring anonymity in Glint’s programs. By leveraging our platform, you can create an environment where there is trust and openness within your company while gaining valuable insights that drive meaningful change. Take the next step towards improving team engagement by trying out Glint’s tools today!

Ready to find out more about how Glint’s programs can support your teams? Sign up for my free trial now!

Multicultural Surveys: Discover the Diversity of Cultures with our Multicultural Surveys!


As our world becomes more diverse, it’s crucial for organizations to understand how different cultures interact with one another. This is where multiculturalism surveys come in – a powerful tool that helps companies measure attitudes towards diversity, inclusion, and cultural competence among employees or other stakeholders.

This article gives readers all the information they need to conduct multicultural surveys, including the most recent and efficient survey methods and questions. Continue reading to learn more.

What Is Multiculturalism?

Multiculturalism surveys provide valuable insights into how individuals perceive their workplace culture and identify areas for improvement. By measuring employee attitudes towards diversity and inclusion through these surveys, companies can create safer work environments where everyone feels valued regardless of their background.

The purpose of conducting multiculturalism surveys is twofold. First, they help organizations better understand the needs and experiences of their diverse workforce. Secondly, they enable companies to develop more effective diversity management strategies that promote inclusivity and respect for all cultures.

By promoting cross-cultural understanding through training programs based on survey results, businesses can improve organizational engagement while reducing costly turnover rates. In fact, studies have shown that workplaces with high levels of cultural awareness experience higher rates of employee satisfaction and retention.

In short, if you want your company to be the best it can be when it comes to fostering an inclusive workplace culture that values diversity, then conducting multiculturalism surveys are essential.

In the following sections, we will explore the various types of multiculturalism surveys available and the best practices for designing them effectively so you can discover what your employees think about your organization’s values!

Types of Multiculturalism Surveys

There are different types of surveys available to measure attitudes, perceptions, climate, and employee engagement. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Choosing the right survey is crucial to ensure accurate data that can help make informed decisions.

Attitude Surveys

These surveys measure people’s attitudes toward cultural diversity and inclusion. They ask questions about how comfortable people feel working or interacting with individuals from different cultures, their perceptions of cultural differences, and their willingness to learn more about other cultures.

Perception Surveys

These surveys aim to understand how employees perceive the company’s culture regarding diversity and inclusion. They may ask questions about whether employees feel valued for their unique backgrounds, whether they believe there are equal opportunities for all employees regardless of race or ethnicity, and if they have witnessed any instances of discrimination or bias.

Climate Surveys

Climate surveys assess the overall workplace environment as it relates to diversity and inclusion. Questions may cover topics such as communication between colleagues from different backgrounds, access to resources for diverse groups within the organization, leadership commitment to promoting a diverse workforce, etc.

Employee Engagement Surveys

These surveys focus on employee engagement levels across various aspects related to work-life balance, including job satisfaction levels among culturally diverse teams, perceived fairness in promotions/compensation, sense of belongingness at work, etc.

When choosing which type(s) of survey(s) will be most beneficial for your organization’s needs, consider factors like budget constraints, time frame, organizational goals/objectives (what do you want your survey results to achieve?), audience demographics (who will be taking this survey?), etc.

It is important not only to choose an appropriate type but also to design effective questions that elicit honest responses while avoiding biases or leading language which could skew results one way or another. 

Designing a Multiculturalism Survey

As experts in multiculturalism surveys, we understand the importance of careful planning and attention to detail. To design a successful survey that accurately measures attitudes toward diversity and inclusion, follow these key steps:

  1. Define your research question: Before you begin designing your survey, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what information you want to gather. What specific questions do you need to be answered? 
  2. Choose appropriate questions: Once you’ve defined your research question, select relevant and concise questions that will provide valuable insights into diverse cultures within your workplace or community.
  3. Consider cultural sensitivity: When designing a multiculturalism survey, it’s essential to consider cultural sensitivity to avoid offending or alienating any particular group of people.
  4. Determine sample size and distribution method: Decisions about sample size (the number of participants needed for statistical significance) and distribution method (e.g., random sampling) should be based on factors such as budget constraints and time limitations.
  5. Pilot test the survey: Before administering the final version of your survey, pilot testing can help identify any issues with wording or formatting that may affect response rates or data quality.
  6. Analyze results from the pilot test: After conducting a pilot test, analyze its results carefully so that necessary changes can be made before administering the final version of your survey. 
  7. Finalize design and distribute surveys: Once all revisions have been made based on feedback from pilot testing analysis, finalize the design by distributing surveys through various channels like email invitations, etc., depending upon target audience demographics/preferences/availability, etc.

By following these steps, researchers can ensure they collect accurate data that provides valuable insights into diverse cultures within their organization or community at large. It ultimately helps improve diversity management strategies at workplaces leading toward better employee engagement & inclusion, resulting in higher productivity levels along with improved safety measures for everyone involved – including patients if applicable!

Don’t miss out on this beneficial opportunity; start surveying today!

How To Conduct a Multiculturalism Survey

Collecting accurate and meaningful data from diverse populations is very important. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of tips to help you administer your survey effectively while ensuring accuracy in data collection.

  1. Choose the Right Method: There are several methods for conducting surveys, including online surveys, phone interviews, and paper-based questionnaires. Consider which method is best suited for your target audience and budget. 
  2. Pilot-Test Your Survey: Before launching your survey, pilot-test it with a small group of people who represent your target audience. This will help you identify any issues with the questions or response options before administering the survey more widely.
  3. Ensure Confidentiality: We know that respondents may be hesitant to answer honestly if they feel their privacy is at risk. Guarantee confidentiality and anonymity where possible to ensure respondents feel comfortable answering truthfully.
  4. Use Clear Language: It’s important that all questions are written in clear language that can be easily understood by all respondents regardless of their cultural background or education level.
  5. Provide Adequate Time: Allow enough time for respondents to complete the survey without feeling rushed or pressured into giving quick answers.
  6. Follow-Up With Non-Respondents: If there are individuals who do not respond to the initial invitation to participate in the survey, consider following up with them via email or phone call as a reminder.
  7. Monitor Response Rates: Keep track of response rates throughout the data collection period so that you can adjust strategies, if necessary, to increase participation rates among certain groups.
  8. Check Data Quality Regularly: To maintain ethical standards around privacy and confidentiality concerns, regularly check data quality during data collection by reviewing responses for completeness and consistency across different sections of the questionnaire.

By implementing these expert tips when conducting your multiculturalism survey, you’ll be able to collect accurate information from diverse populations while maintaining ethical standards around privacy and confidentiality concerns – ultimately improving inclusion within organizations!

Analyzing Results

This stage is crucial as it helps identify patterns and trends in responses received, which can be used for decision-making purposes. Here are some tips on how to effectively analyze your survey data:

  • Firstly, ensure that all data is clean and organized by checking for missing values or errors in responses before starting any analysis.
  • Next, choose appropriate statistical tools, such as SPSS or Excel, depending on the type of questions asked in your survey.
  • Identify key variables that will help answer research questions posed by stakeholders who commissioned or funded the study and other interested parties, such as policymakers or academics working in related fields. 
  • Run descriptive statistics like mean, median, mode, standard deviation, etc., which provide an overview of how respondents answered each question on average.
  • Conduct inferential statistics to make generalizations about a larger population based on sample size while controlling for factors like age group or gender distribution among respondents.
  • Interpret findings accurately by identifying trends and patterns in responses that may be useful for decision-making purposes.
  • Finally, report findings back to stakeholders who commissioned/funded the study and other interested parties such as policymakers/academics working in related fields.

In conclusion, analyzing results from a multiculturalism survey requires careful attention to detail and proper use of statistical tools available at one’s disposal, depending upon their needs/goals/objectives. Improve employee engagement and workplace safety by understanding organizational culture values across cultures.

Follow these steps for effective inclusion initiatives that benefit both employees and the company.

Interpreting Results

This is another important stage, as it allows you to draw meaningful conclusions from your survey findings and make informed decisions about diversity management strategies within your workplace. To help you interpret your multiculturalism survey results like a pro, here are some tips:

  1. Identify trends and patterns: Look for commonalities in responses across different demographic groups or questions. For example, do certain age groups tend to respond differently than others? Are there any consistent themes that emerge from open-ended questions?
  2. Compare results with benchmarks: If available, compare your survey results with industry or organizational benchmarks to see how you stack up against other companies or institutions.
  3. Consider the context: When interpreting your results, keep in mind the broader social and cultural context in which they were collected. For example, conducting a survey on attitudes toward immigration during a period of heightened political tension may affect respondents’ answers.
  4. Use statistical tools: Statistical analysis can help identify significant differences between groups or variables within the data set.
  5. Seek expert advice: If you’re unsure about how best to interpret your survey findings, seek out professional advice from experts who specialize in multiculturalism research.

Conducting surveys on multiculturalism is beneficial for organizations looking to create inclusive environments that value diversity among their employees and customers alike while improving safety measures through measuring employee engagement rates using questionnaires designed specifically around cross-cultural values, such as Yale University School of Medicine’s Center for Outcomes Research & Evaluation (CORE).

By designing, conducting, analyzing, and interpreting the results of these surveys, organizations can gain valuable insights into employee attitudes towards diversity and inclusion at work and identify areas where improvements can be made within an organization’s culture and policies regarding diversity management strategies at workplaces, etc., highlighting future research directions needed for better understanding cultural differences among people living together harmoniously within a multicultural society.

Reporting Findings

After analyzing and interpreting your data, it’s important to communicate your results back to stakeholders who commissioned or funded the study, as well as other interested parties such as policymakers or academics working in related fields.

To ensure that you report your findings effectively, follow these key steps:

  1. Start with an executive summary: Begin by providing a brief overview of the most important findings from your survey. This should include any significant trends or patterns that emerged from the data.
  2. Provide context: To help readers understand the significance of your findings, provide some background information on why you conducted the survey and what questions you were trying to answer.
  3. Present your data: Use charts, graphs, and tables to present your data clearly and concisely. Be sure to label all visual aids properly so that readers can easily understand what they’re looking at.
  4. Interpret your results: Once you’ve presented your data, it’s time to interpret what it means for diversity management strategies at workplaces, etc. Identify any significant trends or patterns that emerged from the data and explain their implications for cross-cultural communication skills training needs.
  5. Discuss limitations: No survey is perfect; therefore, make sure that you discuss any limitations, such as sample size issues or response rate problems, which may affect how generalizable these results are beyond a specific population.


As our society becomes more diverse, it is crucial for organizations to understand the cultural differences among their employees and patients. Multiculturalism surveys are a powerful tool that can help companies measure employee attitudes toward inclusion and safety in the workplace.

Throughout this article, we have explored the importance of conducting multiculturalism surveys, including how to design and conduct them effectively, analyze results, interpret findings, and report back to stakeholders and other interested parties.

By measuring employee attitudes towards diversity management strategies at workplaces through these surveys, companies can improve their organizational values while also benefiting from increased engagement rates among employees. This includes identifying areas where training may be needed or where changes need to be made within an organization’s culture.

Multiculturalism surveys provide a cost-effective way for companies to measure these attitudes without having to rely on costly legal fees associated with discrimination lawsuits. They help identify what works best when it comes down not only improving lives but also generating better business outcomes overall!

So, if you want your company name included in the litany of those who effectively manage diversity in today’s world – then conducting multiculturalism surveys should be a top priority! With proper surveying techniques in place along with effective analysis methods used during interpretation stages – businesses can discover what works best when it comes down not only improving lives but also generating better business outcomes overall!

How To Create A Follow-Up Survey For An Event?


Organizing events can be exciting. In fact, it’s likely more exciting than the event itself. However, what happens after the event also matters. Therefore, following up with your attendees should be a part of your event planning.

Conducting a follow-up survey can help you collect feedback that can help you improve upcoming events.

Below, you will find a guide on how to make a follow-up survey the easy way and collect valuable information about your attendees.

What is a Follow-Up Survey?

A follow-up survey is a simple questionnaire done after a product, service, or event has been delivered to collect feedback.

With a follow-up survey, you can gather valuable data, determine areas of improvement, and make a well-informed decision for upcoming products, services, or events.

Ways you can conduct a follow-up survey include social media, phone, and email. They typically include a mix of both open-ended and closed-ended questions.

How to Create a Follow-Up Survey for an Event in 10 Easy Steps

Whether new at event planning or have years of experience, you should make follow-up surveys a part of your event planning because they can help you improve your events.

Here’s how to create a follow-up survey for your new event:

Step 1: Set Clear Goals

Every good event planner has clear goals for their follow-up survey. So, before crafting your follow-up survey, you should define your goals.

For instance, what’s the end goal? Do you want to collect feedback on specific aspects of your event, such as the catering or venue? Or do you want to know if your attendees were satisfied with the event?

Once you define your goals, you can easily come up with survey questions.

Step 2: Pick a Survey Platform

You can choose from various survey platforms like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, and Typeform. When choosing, consider the size of your event and the number of attendees you expect to survey.

Some survey platforms have free plans, while others charge a fee for their service.

Additionally, you should consider crucial features, such as advanced reporting services, custom branding, etc.

Step 3: How Long Will Your Survey Last?

The survey duration will mostly depend on your goals and the complexity of the questions. However, remember that most people aren’t fond of surveys because they’re busy and don’t have enough time to complete a long one.

Always aim for a survey length of about 10-15 minutes.

Step 4: Come Up With Clear and Short Questions

When crafting your questions, ensure you use clear and concise language. Also, avoid using technical terms or jargon that some people might find difficult to understand.

Finally, keep your questions concise, and avoid asking multiple questions at once.

Step 5: Use a Combination of Question Type

Using a combination of question types (you can find more details below) can help keep your survey interesting and reduce the risk of survey fatigue.

You can use rating scales, multiple choice, and open-ended questions.

Multiple-choice questions let attendees choose from predefined answers, while rating scales let people rate their experience. Finally, open-ended questions allow people to express their minds and provide more details.

Step 6: Take the Survey

Testing it out yourself is the best way to ensure you have a good survey on hand. So, before sending out your new survey, test it to ensure it’s working properly.

Testing your survey can also help rule out complex and hard-to-understand questions. You can also ask friends, family members, or colleagues to take the survey and provide feedback.

Step 7: How Will You Distribute Your Follow-Up Survey?

You can distribute your follow-up survey via email, event apps, or social media.

Choose your distribution method based on previous data you have collected about your attendees. If you have their emails, try email and so on.

Step 8: Personalize Your Follow-Up Survey

You can make your attendees feel special by personalizing your survey. Doing this can also increase response rates. So, go ahead and add a personal touch to your survey.

For instance, use names in the survey introduction.

Step 9: Make it Fun and Profitable!

You can also increase response rates by offering benefits, such as prizes or discounts. For instance, you can offer a discount on future events or a chance to win something in exchange for taking the survey.

Step 10: Analyze, Analyze, Analyze!

Once you have gathered feedback, you should analyze the responses carefully. This can help you understand your attendees better and determine areas for improvement.

Additionally, look for response patterns and consider conducting extra surveys. These things can help you collect even more detailed information.

Generally, creating a good follow-up survey for your events matters for many reasons. The feedback you get can help you improve future events and achieve better results.

The simple steps above can help you craft a creative, informative, and engaging survey for your attendees. In short, keep your survey short, mix various types of questions, and offer benefits for higher response rates.

And finally, analyze the results thoroughly.

What Are the 5 Types of Survey Questions?

Here’s a breakdown of the most common types of survey questions for event surveys:

1. Multiple-Choice Questions

You can collect specific feedback on different aspects of your event with multiple-choice questions. For instance, create multiple-choice questions about the quality of the venue, the speakers, the food, the activities, etc.

2. Rating Scale Quesitons

With rating scale questions, you can easily measure people’s satisfaction.

When crafting these questions, consider different aspects, such as the entertainment, the venue, the networking opportunities, etc.

3. Open-Ended Questions

Including open-ended questions lets people express their minds fully and provide more detailed feedback.

You can ask what they enjoyed the most and least, what could be improved, and what they would like to see at upcoming events.

4. Likert Scale Questions

With likert scale questions, you can find out if the attendees agree or disagree with certain statements about your event.

For example, you can ask if you met their expectations or if your event was helpful and well-planned.

5. Demographic Questions

With these questions, you can easily collect helpful information about the preferences and traits of your attendees. You can ask about age, gender, job title, and more.

This feedback can help you better understand your target audience and organize new events accordingly.

Closing Thoughts

Crafting a follow-up survey for your event can be time-consuming and overwhelming. However, you can benefit greatly from the feedback of your attendees.

Their answers can help you better understand what they want or don’t want, determine areas for improvement, and more. So, follow the steps above and create a good follow-up survey!

What Is The Best Event Registration Software?


If you’re tired of managing event registrations manually, you’re not the only one. Many top event planners feel the same and look for more efficient solutions on how to register guests.

That’s where event registration software steps in and saves you time.

However, with so many event registration software available online for conferences and nonprofits, choosing the right one can be daunting and time-consuming. Below, I will review some of the best and free ones to help you make a well-informed choice, so let’s dive right in.

What is the Best Event Registration Software: 17 Options

Managing your event’s registrations can take too long if done manually. That’s why you need good event registration software.

There’s a wide array of event registration software on the market, so you should choose carefully. Here’s a review of some of the best event registration software popular among event planners, so take a look.

1. Eventbrite

Most event planners opt for Eventbrite because it’s reliable. If you pick Eventbrite, you will obtain customizable registration pages and integrations with Salesforce, Mailchimp, and other tools. It’s also easy to use, so it’s perfect for beginners.

Finally, Eventbrite offers real-time analytics and reporting, so you can easily track your event’s attendance and ticket sales.

2. Cvent

Cvent has more features than Eventbrite and other similar platforms. You will get event registration, marketing automation, and website building.

Additionally, Cvent has a user-friendly mobile app where you can obtain event data and chat with other participants. It’s the perfect solution for larger events that need additional registration features.

3. Regpack

Regpack offers many customizable registration forms and payment options. Other great features include email communication with potential attendees and automatic waitlisting. If you opt for Regpack, you will also get reporting and analytics features.

4. Ticket Tailor

Ticket Tailor offers many features, including payment processing, customizable pages for registration, and attendee management. It’s one of the best registration software on the market because of the seating plan tool for reserved seating events.

Ticket Tailor also provides integrations with Salesforce and Mailchimp. It’s just perfect for event planners who want many customization options for their events.

5. Universe

Universe is a great choice for every event planner because it has various customization options, including branded ticket and registration page designs.

Other excellent features include waitlisting and crafting promo codes and discounts. So, if you’re searching for a simple solution for smaller events, consider Universe.

6. Bizzabo

If you’re in the market for a user-friendly, all-in-one event solution with plenty of features for event planners, Bizzabo can meet your needs.

If you pick Bizzabo, you will get various event registration, marketing, and website-building tools and features. Additionally, Bizzabo has a mobile app where attendees can find event information and interact with each other.

7. Accelevents

If you’re searching for a hybrid event platform with event registration tools, virtual event hosting, and networking features, consider Accelevents.

You will also get many customizable registration choices, such as custom questions and conditional logic.

8. Eventzilla

Eventzilla makes a great choice for event planners on a budget because it’s affordable and packed with many features. Some of the key features include payment processing, customizable registration forms, and attendee management.

Additionally, Eventzilla integrates with well-known tools like Salesforce and Mailchimp

9. ThunderTix

Another event registration software worth your time and money is ThunderTix. It’s very popular among event organizers because it’s feature-rich and easy to use.

With ThunderTix, you will receive payment processing, customizable registration pages, and email communication with potential attendees.

Moreover, ThunderTix offers check-in and ticket-scanning features for on-site events.

10. HeySummit

Like Accelevents, HeySummit is a hybrid event platform with plenty of features for event planners, such as event registration tools, virtual event hosting, and networking features.

You will also get payment processing, customizable registration forms, and integrations with well-known tools like Stripe and Zaiper.

11. Ticketbud

Like most event registration software above, Ticketbud offers helpful tools for event planners, including payment processing, customizable registration pages, and attendee management.

If you put your trust in Ticketbud, you will also get real-time ticket scanning and check-in tools for on-site virtual events.

12. Whova

Whova offers event planners pretty much the same features as other software. You will get event registration features, virtual event hosting, and various networking tools.

Moreover, you will get customizable registration pages and extra features, such as real-time analytics and waitlisting.

13. Wild Apricot

Wild Apricot is a bit different from other event registration solutions. It’s a membership management software with many event registration features, email marketing tools, and website-building options.

Attendees can also use the user-friendly mobile app where they can easily access data for the event. The app also has useful features for event organizers, such as waitlisting and custom pricing options.

14. JotForm

With JotForm, you will obtain many templates and customization options for your event registration forms.

Many event planners prefer JotForm over other event registration software because it’s easy to use, offers helpful features like payment processing, and integrates with Stripe and PayPal.

15. SignUpGenius

SignUpGenius is more than a simple event registration software. It’s also a volunteer management software that offers more features than other options on the market.

Impressive tools include creating custom registration pages, tracking volunteer hours, and scheduling shifts. You will also get payment processing and integrations with Stripe and PayPal.

If you organize events that depend on volunteer participation, consider SignUpGenius.

16. Constant Contact

Although Constant Contact is a popular email marketing software, you can still use this platform for managing your events. Constant Contact offers many event management tools, such as event registration and ticketing.

You will also get customizable registration pages, email communication with attendees, and payment processing. Finally, Constant Contact provides integrations with Eventbrite and Salesforce.

17. Splashthat

Splashthat can meet your event needs if you’re looking for a 2-in-1 event marketing and management platform.

This software includes many ticketing and event registration tools, website building, and email marketing features.

There’s also a mobile app where attendees can access information about the event. For event planners, this app provides real-time analytics and reporting tools.

It’s perfect for managing events that need a powerful brand presence and marketing.

What’s Your Pick?

When choosing the right event registration software, consider pricing and features. Also, pick a user-friendly platform that ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for you as the event planner and your potential attendees.

So, start exploring your options today and step up your event planning!

What Follow-Up Messages Are Needed Before And After An Event?


Sometimes, event planners organize a great event but don’t get as much attendance as they thought they would because they forgot to send reminders.

Other times, they have many attendees, but most express dissatisfaction because of a lack of communication. These things happen because event planners don’t send follow-up messages before and after their events.

So, you must take communication seriously when planning events.

If you’re new at event planning, don’t worry. This article will provide follow-up messages you can send before and after your event that can increase attendance and satisfaction, so let’s dive right in,

What Follow-Up Messages Are Needed Before and After an Event?

Planning and executing events requires time, effort, and resources; some do it better than others. However, the best ones don’t forget about communication.

Good event planners interact with their attendees before and after their events for multiple reasons, including ensuring audience and attendee satisfaction, improving future events, and more.

Here’s a list of follow-up messages you can send before, during, and after your event.

Follow-Up Messages Before the Event

Here’s a breakdown of the follow-up messages event planners usually send before the event. Below, you will find examples of the messages in the same order.

  • Save-the-date message: Message your attendees the event’s date, time, and place. It’s important to notify them beforehand so they can plan accordingly and prevent interruptions.
  • Invitation message: Once you know the exact date, time, and location, send your invitations to your target audience. Each invitation should include essential information, such as purpose and special requirements (RSVP, dress code, etc.). Finally, ensure they’re concise, easy to read, engaging, and personal.
  • Reminder message: As the event date approaches, send out a reminder to your attendees so they don’t forget about your event. This reminder can also help you build excitement for the event.

Save-the-Date Message:

Subject: Save the Date – [Event Name]

Dear, [Name],

We’re excited to announce that [Event Name] is coming soon! So, make your calendars for [Date] and join us at [Location] for a memorable experience.

Stay tuned for more details and information.

Best regards, [Your name/organization]

Invitation Message:

Subject: You’re Invited to [Event Name]

We invite you to join us at [Event Name], where you will have the chance to [list benefits/attractions/activities, etc.].

The event will take place on [Date] at [Location], and we would love to have you there.

Best regards, [Your name/organization]

Reminder Message:

Subject: Reminder – [Event Name] is almost here!

Dear [Name],

We hope you’re looking forward to [Event Name] as much as us. As a friendly reminder, the event is on [Date] at [Location], and we can’t wait to see you there.

If you haven’t already, RSVP to confirm your attendance.

See you soon!

Best regards, [Your name/organization]

Follow-Up Messages During the Event

Here’s a description of the follow-up messages event organizers typically send during the event. Below, you will find examples of the messages in the same order.

  • Welcome message: You can start the event with a welcoming message to greet your attendees and set the tone. A welcoming message will make everyone feel comfortable and appreciated. You can also use this message to share more information, such as instructions or housekeeping details.
  • Informational message: If something doesn’t go according to plan or you have updates to share with your attendees, you can send a short message explaining what’s happening. This will help ensure no one misses important activities, etc.
  • Social media message: You can upload photos, videos, and updates from your event on social media. Additionally, you can encourage your attendees to share their experiences on their social media profiles and use your event’s hashtag. This will help build engagement and excitement during and after the event.

Welcome Message:

Dear [Name],

Welcome to [Event Name]!

We’re thrilled to have you here and hope you enjoy everything we’ve planned for you. Before we start, here are a few housekeeping items to remember [list any important instructions].

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask our team members, who are always happy to help.

Thank you, and enjoy the event!

Best regards, [Your name/organization]

Informational Message:

Subject: Update – Change to [Event Name] Schedule

Dear [Name],

We wanted to let you know that there has been a change to the schedule for [Event Name]. [Provide details about the change and its impact]. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Best regards, [Your name/organization]

Social Media Message:

Subject: Join the Conversation – [Event Name] Hashtag

Dear [Name],

Are you enjoying [Event Name]? Don’t forget to share your experience with us on social media using the hashtag [#EventHashtag].

We’d love to see your photos, videos, and posts and hear your thoughts about the event. Let’s make this a truly memorable experience!

Best regards, [Your name/organization]

Follow-Up Messages After the Event

Here’s a summary of the follow-up messages event planners usually send after the event. Below, you will find examples of the messages in the same order.

  • Thank-you message: After every event, you should send a thank-you message to all attendees, partners, speakers, and sponsors who made the event possible. Express your appreciation and gratitude for everyone’s support. Finally, you can say that everyone’s welcome at your future events.
  • Survey message: Every good event planner sends a survey after their event to collect feedback from their attendees about their experience. A survey message can help you understand what went well and what needs improvement. However, ensure it’s concise and easy to complete.
  • Follow-up message: After the survey, you can send a final message containing your gratitude for their time and support again and tell everyone how you plan to use their feedback to improve future events. This will help show your attendees that you take their feedback, time, and support seriously.

Thank-You Message:

Subject: Thank You for Attending [Event Name]

Dear [Name],

On behalf of [Your name/organization], we sincerely thank you for attending [Event Name]. Your presence and support contributed to making the event a tremendous success.

We hope you found the experience enjoyable and informative and that you will join us for future events.

Thank you once again, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Best regards, [Your name/organization]

Survey Message:

Subject: Your Feedback Matters – [Event Name] Survey

Dear [Name],

We value your opinion and would appreciate your feedback on [Event Name]. Please take a few minutes to complete our survey, which will help us improve future events and better serve your needs. [Provide a link to the survey]

Thank you for your participation and support!

Best regards, [Your name/organization]

Follow-Up Message:

Subject: Updates & Future Events

We appreciate your participation and value your input in helping us improve our future events.

We carefully reviewed all of the feedback we received, and we’re pleased to let you know that your suggestions will be incorporated into our future event planning.

We’re excited to announce that we have already started planning for our next event, [Event Name 2].

We’ve taken all the feedback from you and other attendees and significantly improved the event program and activities.

We hope that you’ll join us again for [Event Name 2], which will take place on [Date] at [Location]. We’ll send out invitations soon, so keep an eye on your inbox!

Once again, thank you for your feedback and ideas. We couldn’t have done it without you, and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Best regards,

[Your name/organization]

In conclusion, effective communication before and after your events can go a long way for event planners.

Interact with your attendees throughout your events to determine what you’re doing well and what needs improvement to improve your future events.

So, use the tips above and make your events successful.

Final Thoughts

The success of your events depends on your organizing and execution skills. However, it also depends on the communication and follow-up before, during, and after events.

Therefore, ensure everyone feels supported, appreciated, and well-informed before, during, and after your events by sending reminders, informational messages, surveys, and more.

You can turn your event into a more enjoyable experience with the right messages.

How To Follow Up On A Networking Event?


If you attend networking events regularly but don’t follow up with the people you meet, you’re missing out!

Not following up with like-minded individuals you meet at networking events could result in missed business opportunities. So, go out there and contact the people you met at the last networking event.

If you don’t know how to follow up on a networking event, don’t worry. Below, you will find a list of helpful tips and ideas!  

How to Follow Up On a Networking Event: 10 Options

Networking events can help like-minded individuals connect, exchange ideas, and build strong business connections. So, if you’re ever invited to a local networking event, don’t miss out on the chance to meet new people that can benefit your career.

Moreover, don’t forget to follow up with the people you meet after the event. Otherwise, you can miss possible opportunities. If you don’t know how to reconnect with the people you met at your last networking event, here’s a list of helpful tips and ideas.

1. How About Sending a Personalized Email?

You can send the individuals you met a personalized email within 24-48 hours after the event. Thank them for their time, and include something specific from your conversation to help refresh their memory.

Sending a personalized email shows that you’re attentive to details, a good listener, and interested in further collaboration.

2. Find the Person on LinkedIn

Many professionals connect via LinkedIn. So, look up the name of those you met at the event on LinkedIn and send them a short message. Mention your last conversation and express your interest in further collaboration.

3. Schedule a Follow-Up Meeting

If you believe you had a good conversation with someone at the event, suggest meeting for a second time.

If you have the person’s number, email, or social media profile, reach out within 24-48 hours after the event and invite them for a coffee or lunch in a public setting.

This will show the person you’re serious about collaborating on future projects.

4. Exchange Valuable Information

If you come across a resource or article that you think would be valuable to the person you met at the event, share it with them over a message, email, etc.

This helps to present yourself as a good listener and a valuable resource. Moreover, it’s a great way to continue your conversation and pave the way for future collaborations.

5. Don’t Miss Out on Future Events

If somehow you lost contact with everyone you met at the last networking event, don’t worry. You can attend similar events and reconnect with those you met at the previous ones.

There’s a huge possibility the people who attended the previous event will attend similar ones.

However, don’t forget to write down their names, emails, or phone numbers this time.

6. Send a Handwritten Note

If you only have the person’s business or private address, you can send a handwritten “thank you” note. This personal touch can make a lasting impression.

Express your gratitude for their time and interest in staying in touch. Moreover, include your business card so the person can reach out.

7. Offer Your Insight and Help

If someone at the event was discussing their projects with you and you have experience in the field, you can offer your insight and help via phone or email.

This could help build your network and present yourself as a valuable asset.

8. Look Up Their Social Media Profiles

If you remember the person’s name and appearance, you can look up their social media profiles and send a friend request.

They will accept your friend request if they’re up for a collaboration.

9. Attend a Related Event Together

If you find new events related to your field that you think someone you met at the event would be interested in, invite them to attend it together.

This is a great way to catch up and deepen your connection.

10. Patience, Patience, Patience!

You can’t build strong and meaningful business relationships overnight. So, stay patient and don’t expect immediate results.

Staying in touch with the individuals you meet and providing consistent value will attract new opportunities in the future.

In a nutshell, following up after a networking event can help you build new relationships that benefit your career. Apply the tips above, and you will soon build a network that can help you achieve your goals.

How Do You Write a Follow-Up Letter After a Networking Event?

Writing a follow-up letter after a networking event can seem scary if you’ve never written one before in your career, but don’t worry.

With the following tips, you can write a follow-up letter quickly and easily:

  • Start with a simple greeting and thank the individual for their time.
  • Personalize your letter and mention something specific from your conversation.
  • Also, mention why you enjoyed your last conversation and how you can help each other’s careers.
  • Invite the person for a coffee or lunch to continue the conversation or suggest another way to stay in touch.
  • End the letter with a simple “Thank you” and your contact details.
  • Keep your message short and professional.
  • Finally, proofread your message before sending it.

How Do You Ask Someone to Connect After Networking?

Asking someone to connect after networking can feel scary. However, most individuals welcome new connections, so don’t be scared to reach out in the following ways:

  • Ask if you can exchange numbers or emails to stay in touch.
  • If you already have the person’s email, number, or address, send a personalized email, message, or letter referencing something specific from your last talk. Invite the person for a second meeting and close with your contact information.
  • Suggest connecting on platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Call the person and invite them for coffee or lunch in a public setting.
  • Invite the person to visit a similar event together.


Following up with people you meet at a networking event can help you turn a short talk into a meaningful connection that can benefit your career.

So, don’t be scared to reach out to the people you meet at these events in various ways and put yourself out there!

Remember that most professionals welcome new connections and would gladly accept your coffee or lunch offer.

Upload Contacts and Send Survey Emails using SurveyTown


Email is one of the best ways to get your surveys directly in front of your customers. Up until now, if you wanted to get your SurveyTown survey in front of your customers you would need to take the link or embeddable question and add it in an email generated by another email system like Mailchimp, Constant Contact or Bronto.  That is no longer your only option With SurveyTown’s new email feature, you can customize a fantastic looking email, upload your contacts directly into SurveyTown and SurveyTown will email your contacts for you. Not only that, but you can set SurveyTown to automatically send survey reminder emails to those that did not initially respond.  You can also define custom fields for your contacts and then create custom filters based on those custom fields. So, for example, you can see how your NPS scores change based on a customer’s account manager or perhaps on the product they bought. 

Here’s a quick guide to the new email functionality inside of SurveyTown. 

Sending Your Survey Through Email | SurveyTown02:33Youtube video: Sending Your Survey Through Email

Design Your Emails

When sending your email, you have the option to customize the way the email looks. In the upper left-hand corner of the email icon, click on the gray menu icon.  To change the appearance of your email, choose “Customize design” in the options. 

From here, you can begin to customize the email to match your brand. In the email settings, design an email that that matches your brand by setting the brand color and logo image. Additionally, you can customize your email by writing a personalized intro and subject, as well as defining who the survey is from. 

Your customers may be busy and may have forgotten to take your survey the first time you send them the email.  In order to ensure your customers respond to your survey, you have the opportunity to send “Automatic Reminders” to customers that have not yet completed your survey.  A reminder email can be set as early as 7 days, or as late as 21 days after sending. 

Your customers’ opinion of your business may change over time – hopefully for the better – and you want to know where your where that opinion stands.  In order to stay on top of your customers’ needs, you have the opportunity to send a “Recurring Email”. You can send “Recurring Emails” to customers if you want to email them once a quarter or once a year automatically to ask them their opinion.

Add Contacts to Your Survey Email

Adding contacts to your survey is easy and convenient. With this feature, you can add your contacts with a number of supported files, or simply copy and paste. This SurveyTown email feature allows you to add contacts to your email in a variety of ways. 

  • Copy/Paste
  • .xlsx
  • .xls
  • .csv
  • API

Once you have uploaded your contacts you will have the option to send a survey right away or schedule it for the future.

Once you press send you will be given an import summary that shows how many contacts you send to and who was filtered out because they were a bad (malformed) email address or were already on your survey email list.

Define Custom Fields

Before adding contacts though, you may want to define custom fields for your contacts.  Contact custom fields in SurveyTown will give you the option to create custom reports on your survey data based on contact data. When reading your responses, you can filter the results to only be applied to custom fields set by you.  For example, if you uploaded a list of contacts and knew the state where for each contact after the survey had collected responses you could breakdown your customer satisfaction levels by state. The different custom field types are: Textbox, Email address, Date, Mailing Address, Decimal, State dropdown, Integer, Checkbox, Radio buttons, Checkbox, Checkbox list. 

View Responses from Contacts

The results are the most important part of receiving responses. Your responses to your survey can help navigate which direction your business needs to be going.  When adding custom fields for your contacts, you can easily review filtered responses defined by custom fields set by you. You can view your results through:

  • Overview reports 
  • By Contact
  • Through Custom Fields
  • By  API 
  • Through Webhooks

Final Thoughts

In today’s competitive market, it is essential that you stay on top of how your customer feels about your product, service or business. Sending out direct email surveys to your customers can help gather the input needed to navigate your business to success. Sending email surveys directly from SurveyTown can help simplify the process of sending emails by allowing you to send emails and gathering responses all on the same platform.  All you need to do is design, set up your custom fields, import your contacts, and your on your way to receiving responses that will help you exceed your customers’ needs.